The Unofficial Helen Liddell Fan Pages

Io fin qui t'ho condotto, or più non lice Click here to enter I have conducted thee as far as here, no more am I now allowed
Teco venir, chè amara legge il vieta,To come with thee, since a stern law forbids it,
Legge iscritta col ferro in duro sassoA law inscribed with iron in the hard stone
De l'ima reggia in su l'orribil soglia,Of the gateway to the deepest kingdom of terror,
Che in queste note il fiero senso esprime;Expressing its fierce meaning in these words:
Lasciate ogni speranza che entrateAbandon hope, all ye who enter here
Di L'Orfeo, Favola in musica da Claudio Monteverdi, 1609From Orpheus, a musical fable, by Claudio Monteverdi, 1609